About Us
Deacon Board
The Biblical role of a Deacon/Deaconess is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the Church so that the Elders can concentrate on their primary calling of spiritual ministry of the Word of God, prayer, and shepherding. This distinction between Elder and Deacon is based on the pattern found in Acts 6:1-6.
The Deacon Board is entrusted with the following responsibilities referred to as “umbrellas:”
- Worship — Communion Prep; Flowers and altar cloths; Music (choir members, special music, accompanist for funerals and weddings); Holiday events; Sunday coffee/cookies; Women’s Fellowship; Nursery; Children’s Church.
- Community Outreach — Angel Tree; Fall Festival; Publicity and communication; Special events (picnics, Back to Church Sunday); Handwritten notes; Facility usage; National Day of Prayer.
- Facility Care Inside/Outside — Building maintenance inside and outside; Christmas decorations; HVAC; Computer system and copier; Sound system and sound booth; Lawn and garden maintenance; Security for non-chapel activities; Premises security.
- Finance — Finance Committee; Budget; Accounting; Banking; Investments.
- Congregational Care — Sunday school; Clerical volunteers; Fellowship dinners; Bible study; Food preparation (funerals and post-hospital stays); Stephen Ministry.
- Benevolence — Benevolent gifts and oversight; Community assistance; Membership assistance; Missions.
Deacons are elected for terms of three years and must be men or women who are members of the Church and are at least
21 years of age. Deacons are elected in accordance with 1 Tim. 3:8-10.
Alex Ward
Robert Staddon
Community Outreach
Dave Evans
Facility Care
Melba Miller
John Sherman
Congregational Care
Chris Overby